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How to Fix a Water-Damaged Smartphone: Tips from FonesGoneWild

Accidentally dropping your smartphone in water can be a heart-stopping moment. Whether it slipped into the sink, fell in the pool, or got drenched in the rain, water damage is a common issue that can cause serious problems for your device. Fortunately, not all hope is lost. With prompt action and the right steps, you can often save your water-damaged phone. FonesGoneWild, a leading name in cellphone repairs in Las Vegas, offers expert tips on how to fix a water-damaged smartphone.

1) Act Quickly

Time is of the essence when dealing with a water-damaged phone. The longer your device stays wet, the greater the risk of permanent damage. As soon as you realize your phone has come into contact with water, take immediate action.

2) Turn Off the Phone

The first and most crucial step is to turn off your phone immediately. Keeping it on can cause a short circuit and further damage the internal components. If the phone is already off, do not attempt to turn it back on.

3) Remove Any Accessories

Remove any accessories attached to your phone, such as cases, chargers, headphones, and SIM cards. These accessories can trap moisture and prevent the phone from drying out properly.

4) Dry the Exterior

Use a soft, lint-free cloth to gently wipe away any visible moisture from the phone’s exterior. Pay special attention to the charging port, headphone jack, and buttons. Be careful not to press any buttons while doing this, as it could push water further into the device.

5) Remove the Battery (If Possible)

If your phone has a removable battery, take it out immediately. This can help prevent a short circuit and reduce the risk of further damage. For phones with non-removable batteries, skip this step and proceed with caution.

6) Use Absorbent Materials

Place your phone and any removed components (battery, SIM card, memory card) in a container filled with an absorbent material. The most popular method is to use uncooked rice, but silica gel packets (often found in shoe boxes and packaging) are more effective at absorbing moisture. Cover the phone completely and leave it for at least 24 to 48 hours.

7) Avoid Heat Sources

While it might be tempting to use a hairdryer or place your phone in the sun to speed up the drying process, this can cause more harm than good. Excessive heat can damage the phone’s internal components and make the problem worse. Stick to absorbent materials and give the phone enough time to dry naturally.

8) Check for Residual Moisture

After 24 to 48 hours, check your phone for any remaining moisture. Look for water droplets under the screen, in the charging port, or around the buttons. If you still see signs of water, leave the phone in the absorbent material for another day.

9) Attempt to Turn On the Phone

Once you’re confident that the phone is completely dry, attempt to turn it on. If it powers up, carefully check all functions to ensure they are working correctly. Test the touchscreen, buttons, speakers, microphone, and camera. If the phone does not turn on or functions are impaired, it’s time to seek professional help.

10) Seek Professional Repair Services

If your phone shows no signs of life after drying out, or if it’s exhibiting strange behavior, it’s best to seek professional repair services. FonesGoneWild specializes in smartphone repair in Las Vegas and can help diagnose and fix water damage issues. Their experienced technicians use advanced tools and techniques to repair water-damaged phones, often saving devices that might otherwise be written off as lost causes.

11) Preventive Measures for Future Incidents

Prevention is always better than cure. To avoid future water damage, consider investing in a waterproof phone case or a waterproof phone. Additionally, be mindful of where you place your phone, especially near water sources like sinks, bathtubs, and pools.

Common Myths About Water-Damaged Phones

There are several myths and misconceptions about how to handle a water-damaged phone. Here are a few to be aware of:

– Using a Hairdryer: As mentioned earlier, applying heat can damage the internal components. Avoid using hairdryers or placing the phone in direct sunlight.

– Placing the Phone in the Oven: This is extremely dangerous and can cause severe damage to your phone and pose a fire hazard.

– Freezing the Phone: Some people suggest freezing a water-damaged phone, but this can cause the water inside to expand and further damage the internal components.

When to Replace Your Phone

In some cases, water damage might be too extensive to repair, or the cost of repair might be too high compared to the value of the phone. If your phone is older or heavily damaged, it might be more practical to replace it. FonesGoneWild can help you assess the situation and provide recommendations on whether to repair or replace your device.


Water damage to smartphones is a common issue that can be mitigated with quick and appropriate action. By following the steps outlined above, you can increase the chances of saving your water-damaged phone. Remember to act quickly, turn off the phone, remove any accessories, and use absorbent materials to draw out the moisture.

If your phone does not recover after these steps, seeking professional repair services is your best option. FonesGoneWild, a trusted provider of phone repair in Las Vegas, has the expertise and equipment to handle water-damaged phones effectively. Visit FonesGoneWild to learn more about their services and get your smartphone back in working order.

By taking preventive measures and knowing what to do in the event of water damage, you can protect your smartphone and ensure it continues to serve you well. Stay informed, stay prepared, and trust the experts at FonesGoneWild for all your cellphone repair needs.

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